Our Service

Anda ingin donat hangat?? Jcoffee atau yogurt?  
Sekarang telah hadir J.Co Delivery!!
Cukup klik www.jcodelivery.com atau hubungi 021-7886060 kami akan mengirimkan pesanan Anda ke tempat Anda..
Yuk, enjoy with J.Co..!!


Serunya tambah pengetahuan dengan membuat donat & minuman kesukaan Anda cuma ada di J.CO Safari. Daftarkan sekolah kalian sekarang juga ke outlet terdekat, info lebih lanjut bisa email ke jcoffee@gmail.com

1 komentar:

  1. Hi! Im from Malaysia and if i want to hv delivery service to my friend that live in lampung city, can i pay it by credit card? Or maybe by debit card? Is there any other alternatives how to pay it from here? Please let me know how, i really need a favor for this. Thank you.
